You would have noticed the last few articles have been on the subject of financial literacy. In case you missed any of them, here’s a recap:
- An Article On Home Loan Financial Literacy To Get You Jargon Savvy
- 10 Habits To Get You In Charge Of Your Spending And A Free Template Giveaway
- Personal Finance – Here’s What We Know So Far!
- 5 Lessons Children Ought To Learn About Money
To cap this April finance series, I review The Barefoot Investor, a book that gives you both the knowledge and practical guidance you need to achieve financial success. It breaks tried and tested finance principles down to actionable steps anyone can take to secure their financial future.
Reading the book as a migrant who came to Australia in search of a better life, it’s given me very rich and relevant insights into the Australian finance industry. This is crucial for anyone looking to establish themselves while at the same time navigating an unfamiliar – and sometimes confusing – financial landscape.
I’ve read finance books but this one is different. Scott Pape writes with a discernibly sincere and authentic voice. He’s not about to dazzle you with any fancy terms. It’s just good old-fashioned wisdom delivered in simple language.
One thing I like about this book is that it is rich with context. It takes both a long-term and a broad view of finance. It’s also full of humbling and inspiring stories from people who’ve applied it to their own finances.
I highly recommend reading it and my wife and I look forward to applying the steps to our personal finances.